Jewel Autism Centre and Child developmental centre

Case Study 23 – Diagnosing ADHD and challenges in social communication

Department of special education had informed me regarding the new case which has been assigned to me. The only thing which I came to know regarding the child was that, he is a challenging case and is going to be great challenge for me. I got tensed by their words. He was 6 years old male who was diagnosed as ADHD.


He came to my cabin with a gloomy face. He was very quite child however was having attention seeking behaviour as I observed. I approached him with a sweet greeting but he did not exhibit the acceptance which I expected . I tried to engage the child with the usual activities, but he was least cooperative for the same. His assigned session time was 45 minutes and he continued his reluctance throughout the session. However, he had self talk throughout the sessions which again made me little confused regarding the goals to be taken.


The little chap’s avoidance continued for several sessions. I tried different methods to elicit response from him. All my hard work was like a strike in the water. The child’s mother and I got  highly frustrated and tensed regarding his response. Even I told his mother to try different methods possible in home to enhance his response. She tried different methods which ranged from positive reinforcement to punishment. Nothing made the difference. The mother approached me with the helpless face.


That was the most surprised and the happiest day in my life. The child which I thought would never change has altered his mind for the first time in my sessions. I changed the overall set up within my cabin. I removed all the chairs and even materials form my cabin execpt the lexical matching box (the box which consist of different lexical pictures). He entered the cabin, and now only the child, his mother, myself and the lexical box were there. I asked the child to match the lexicals using the cards, within 45 minutes. I placed the lexicals on the floor and he did matching in a bending posture by altering his comfortable zone. He remained in the same posture for 45 minutes. This approach made the difference. He did matching and completed the whole box. He was reinforced for his response. He had changed a lot afetr that session. He more cooperative and elicited appropriare responses and is continuing the same.

Note: Every child is different. Observe, examine, exlopre and choose the right path for your child.


Special Educator

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