
  A neurodevelopmental disorder associated with symptoms that include “ persistent deficit at social communication, and social interaction across multiple contexts” and “restricted, repetitive pattern of behaviors, interests, or activities.

  • DSM-5 by American Psychiatric Association.

As mentioned earlier in the definition of autism, the affected population will lack social interaction and social skills. In one word, they have difficulty in socializing.

So there are different methods to help the autistic children to improve their skills which they are lacking, such as social skills.

A lot of methods are there, one of them is known as VIDEO SELF MODELING. So let’s go know about it in detail:

Video self modeling:

  As the name goes, the method is a way to help the child by showing his/her own video to understand what to do in a certain situation. A short video that will show the child’s own performance of the skill in the correct way.

The duration of the video can be 30 seconds to 2 minutes long.

For learning social skills, this method can help the child to perform or behave in the correct way by taking the video as a model. And this method will help an autistic child also to socialize and this will bring a great improvement in the child’s social skills as well as in the other skills.

How to create a self modeling video:

   When coming to carry out the method, we will have doubts like the steps and requirements of that particular method. So let’s look at how to make a video for this method:

For example, if we are making a video to help the child to greet a person then the steps to make the video are-

  • Tell the child that we are taking the video of him/her saying hello to the parent.
  • Explain to the child that we have to greet a person to become friends, so that the child can do the task in the video.
  •  Then you can start recording the video of the child doing the task of greeting a person.
  • Edit the video in a way that the final outcome will only have to be the child doing the task in the correct way.
  • While editing the video insert your child’s smiling picture in the end and in the beginning.
  • Show the final 30 seconds video to your child every 2 days and give him praise for that behavior every time when the child shows that particular behavior in real life situations.
  • Once your child has adapted or started to learn that skill then show him the video twice a week only and like that fade off as he or she masters that skill.

It is one of the best possible ways to help the child in real life and even while the child is taking any of the therapy sessions, this can bring a big change in the improvement of the child’s skills.

So let’s try teaching our children using this way for improving their skills.