The autistic classroom schedule is setup differently than other classroom. The classroom for students with autism is visual and uses pictures to communicate the sequence and schedule of activities that the students will do each day. Each schedule is individualized for the students, including all activities in and out of the autism classroom.
We can also use minischedules; this will guide them through a task if they need more assistance completing tasks one at a time.
For example, a mini schedule could be used to help students remember the appropriate steps of going to the bathroom: In bathroom, sit on toilet, Flush, Wash hands, Out bathroom.
- Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)-non-verbal children can able to communicate their preferred activities by moving pictures together into sequences, ultimately making sentences.
- For children with poor sitting tolerance, we can provide a movement break and also use alternative seating arrangements like T stool, large balls, gel seat, rocking chair etc…
- Use weighted cuff, vests, hats; compression garments during the school day will be helpful.
- Use vibratory pen, play dough, therapeutic to warm up the arms to prepare for written work.
- Play like tug of war, animal walking’s, carrying heavy books will calm child’s excitory nerves
Use timers to signal the start and end of activities
- Use sequence board to teach skills
- Give duties to the children to help them feel important
- Reward them for all desired behaviour