A problem in recognizing/ interpreting differences or similarities in the qualities of stimuli. It is commonly seen with problems in processing sensations from touch, muscles and joints [proprioception] and head movements [vestibular or inner ear sensations].
Common Signs:
- Bumps or pushes others
- Grasps objects too tightly or uses too much force
- Frequently drops things or knocks things over
- Mouths, licks, chews or sucks on non-food items
- Craves movement – e.g., likes to spin self around
- Afraid of heights / swings / slides
- Has poor balance
Therapy in Praxis is dedicated to helping children improve self-awareness, self-confidence and self-esteem through the medium of play that involves a rich and purposefully directed range of sensory experiences. Therapy in Praxis offers comprehensive evaluation and treatment programmes designed to help a child to achieve sensory integration. We also recognise and help children with Specific Sensory and Motor-Learning Difficulties (Developmental Co-ordination Disorder / Dyspraxia). A key focus is the provision of sensory integration therapy delivered by Advanced Practitioner Occupational Therapists. This helps children with issues including lack of concentration, poor co-ordination, under or over sensitivity, difficulties with writing and other academic skills, behaviour problems, social difficulties and poor self –organisation. Clinic facilities offer the latest in multi-sensory technology, creating a unique learning environment in which children can rapidly progress. We offer support and advice to parents on activities for the home and work within schools supporting teachers and providing therapy in the school.