Measure the handwriting legibility in children: many of the children having problem in children with handwriting. It can be difficult to quantify handwriting. It can be difficult to quantify handwriting legibility in children.
The hand writing legibility scales looks at 5 measures to help quantify legibility in children.
The hand writing legibility scales looks at 5 measures to help quantify legibility.
- Global legibility (overall impression of legibility)
- Effort required to read the written material.
- Layout on the page (i.e. letter spacing margins, word spacing etc.)
- Individual letter formation.
- Alterations to the writing ( i.e. corrections.)
Handwriting is a complex process of managing written language by coordination the eyes arms, hands, pencil grip,letter formation and body posture.
Role of OT
- Demonstrate proper posture to support the proper use of the arms, hands head and eyes.
- Measure the level of physical strength endurance
- Analyse fine motor control, such as the ability to hold a writing utensil.
- Help develop and evaluate handwriting curriculums and collaborate with teachers on effective strategies.
Home program
Encourage children to participate in sports and games that could improve visual motor and coordination skills.
Require children and teens to use silverware when eating to develop hand grip.