Importance Of Visual Perception For Kids With Learning Disabilities

Visual Perception – Visual perception refers to, brain’s ability to make sense of what the eyes sees. Good visual perception skills are important for many daily activities such as reading, writing, completing puzzles, cuttings, drawing, completing math problems etc. Without the ability to complete these everyday tasks, a child’s self-esteem can suffer & their academic and play performance can also be compromised.

Visual perception abilities are important component of many cognitive skills that is related to success in school, finding one’s way in the environment & performing simple dressing tasks.

Visual perception
Visual perception

Building blocks necessary to develop Visual Perception 

Sensory Processing – Accurate registration, interpretation of response to sensory stimulation in the environment & child’s own body.

Visual Attention – It is the ability to focus on important visual information & filter out unimportant background information.

Visual Discrimination- The ability to determine differences or similarities in object based on size, colour, shape etc.

Visual Memory- The ability to recall visual traits in particular form or in objects.

Visual Spatial Relationships- Understanding the relationships of objects within the environment.

Visual Sequential Memory- The ability to recall a sequence of objects in the correct order.

Visual form constancy- The ability to know that a form/shape is the same, even if it has been made smaller/larger has been turned around.

Visual Closure- The ability to recognize a form/ object when part of the picture is missing.

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