Logical thinking is the skill to comprehend and incorporate the rules of basic logical examples in everyday activities. The ability to think logically is a universal human ability. Children’s thoughts are typically insensitive that is, they see and understand things only from their viewpoint. This egocentrism is essential to their endurance. Only after 8 years of age do they understand things from other people’s perspectives

 Why Logical Reasoning is Important for Children

When children play on their own, they often face challenges that they defeat through logical thinking. Hence, free play is essential to build up logical thinking. Toddlers solve problems through trial and error. This in turn helps them think logically. During play, children find out real-life skills that are needed to recognize a dilemma, resolve a variance and take action.

Here’s how logical thinking skills will benefit your child:

• Good exercise for the brain

 • Develop critical thinking skills.

• Help in math and reading:

Activities to Help Preschoolers Develop Logical Thinking Skills

These activities mentioned below can help pre-schoolers in developing logical reasoning:

1. Sequencing worksheets and games: Sequencing, spatial and pattern exercises and pictorial activities can build logical thinking. Providing variety of toys and blocks of different, colors, shapes and sizes, and ask them to identify and arrange things in patterns.

2. Sorting by shape: Putting shapes in the shape sorter is a great way of building logic

3. Lining up toys: Give your child 4–5 toys and let him arrange them in ascending or descending sizes. This game requires thinking about order and attribute (such as size).

4. Pretend play:  It is a kind of imaginative play  that strengthens your child’s thinking skills, as he makes logical connections in his stories.

5. Treasure hunt: Create a treasure map for your child to follow.

6. Asking questions: To make your child think logically, try asking a lot of “why” questions. For example, you can ask “Why is the answer 6?” or “Why did you add in step 3?” Answering such questions will help your child think through the logic they used to solve a problem or come to a certain conclusion.

7. Picture cards: Ask them situation-based questions.

9. Sort and categorize: Sorting is a valuable skill that helps apply logical thinking to objects, daily life and mathematical concepts