- For handwriting, it means use LARGE movements as well as SMALL ones have the children from the letter in the air using their whole arm as one big ‘’pencil’’. Have them take turns writing the letter large on the chalkboard, dry erase board, or butcher paper on the floor or wall. Use a laser pointer on the wall or ribbon on a stick.
- Use materials with enhanced tactile or kinesthetic feedback, such as chalk or writing in clay with a stylus. This is why the slate with chalk and sponge for “wet dry try ‘’ of handwriting without Tears.
- Have Children trace letters on each other’s back to be guessed
- It also means coming up with ‘script’ and/or sound effect that you pair with the movements. Hand writing without Tears has some descriptions that lend themselves to script in the teacher’s guide.
- Of course visual is pretty obvious. Children are usually copying letters from the teacher’s model or from the top of the worksheet. I would stress to have the children actually watch while for better attention by varying colors and line thickness through different media
- One of the most useful parts of teaching handwriting is when you take the visual away. Namely, have the children close their eyes and try to form letter on the board or an unlined paper
- Trace before copying, BUT make sure they are tracing with correct movement patterns. Teachers often hand out letter tracing worksheets and then go work in small reading groups. The kids are tracing any which way. Not helpful. Starting dot that are brightly colored can help as can practicing one or two letters over and over instead of a page of words