Therapeutic Listening

Therapeutic Listening is an intervention that is primarily focused on individuals who have difficulty with their auditory processing abilities. This technique has been studied widely and has been proved effective when interventions are commonly given alongside sensory integrative training. The technique is recommended in individuals, especially Autistics, who face difficulty with auditory processing dysfunction, receptive skills, attention, and communication.

It has shown that several abilities required for engaging in daily activities like self-regulation, emotional regulation, transitioning from one task to another, sleep, attention, communication, social skills and interacting with others, ability to show affection and even physical abilities like posture, bilateral coordination skills, fine motor skills, eye hand coordination are some of the components known to have shown improvement in those that participate in this intervention.

Therapeutic listening interventions primarily focus on enhancing the function of the vestibular-cochlear system by utilizing electronically altered music to stimulate the central nervous system, thereby improving behavior and participation in daily life activities. The music has been electronically altered and is of varying patterns; hence this highly specialized frequency sound cannot be replicated by regular headphones. The high quality HD500A Sennheiser stereo headphones have been specifically designed to manage the dynamic range & resistance specifications of the music used during the intervention. The program is carried out by an OT who is specifically trained & certified in administering the program. The program is usually customized as per the needs of the individual &changes in the music disks are initiated as improvements in function & response in noted. A high level of commitment is required from the client & family members as the 12 week long period of participation in the program can show varying degrees of changes in pattern of behavioral outcomes with initial few weeks of waning and gradually notable improvements & regulated behavior& responses are seen. Often times those who have undergone the program have benefitted highly from it that they continue to avail of the intervention even after the 12 week period.