World Autism Awareness Day

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability due to changes in the brain. People with Autism Spectrum Disorder may have a different way than other people to behave, communicate, interact, and learning. People with Autism Spectrum Disorder often exhibit problems with social, emotional, and communication skills. They might show verbal and non-verbal repetitive and stereotypic behaviors and may also show compulsive behaviors in daily activities. Most people with Autism Spectrum Disorder have their own ways of learning, paying attention, or reacting and responding to things.

World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) is observed every year on April 2nd in order to raise public awareness about autism.  World Autism Awareness Day was first celebrated in 2008. World Autism Awareness Day points to the need to help and improve the quality of life of people with autism so that they can lead complete and meaningful lives as an integral part of society. World Autism Awareness Day was declared unanimously by the United Nations on April 2 by passing a resolution that makes people aware regarding improvement in the quality of life for those living with autism. The rights, diversity, as well as well-being of people with disabilities, have been always promoted by The United Nations. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities entered into the scene and further reaffirmed the basic principle of universal human rights for all in 2018

A day to create awareness about Autism is also helpful in addressing those who do not know about the disorder. There are many misconceptions and misunderstandings prevailing among people which may result in a late diagnosis of Autism. It also results in inappropriate management strategies being followed in society without proper professional advice. Awareness among professionals along with others is also necessary for updated resources and news.

World Autism Awareness Day 2022 promotes compassion and understanding toward autism as well as establishes a more equitable and affordable world for people with autism. The theme of World Autism Awareness Day 2022 is “Inclusive Quality Education for all”. The World Autism Awareness Day 2022 theme focuses on inclusive education that will later help them in achieving sustainable goals in their future life.

The theme of WAAD 2022 is a voice raised against the taboos and wrong traditions that always keep an especially abled person away from normal life. The right of Autistic people to educate themselves and build up a life for themselves which is blocked by many of the social norms in some cases at least is being questioned by this theme.

For World Autism Awareness Day, United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres affirmed support for rights of people with the autism spectrum to fully participate in society. the UN’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development support the rights of people with disabilities. The exacerbated inequalities, as well as the need for community-based support systems, such as systems for inclusive education, which is the topic of this World Autism Awareness Day on April 8, 2022, during COVID- 19 pandemic, was recognized by Secretary Gutierrez.

World Autism Awareness Day 2022 in the present scenario also takes note of the widespread COVID-19 and how the deadly disease can have a physical and emotional impact on autistic people. In order to provide an opportunity for people with autism to reach their full potential, World Autism Awareness Day speaks about the educational and many other significant systems that need to be reconsidered for a more balanced and equitable society.