Challenges faced by parents who have Autistic Child

Parents of autistic children face so many challenges compared to parents of normal children. Giving proper care to an autistic child is not an easy task, especially in the current era in which most families were nuclear.
As we know that autism is a developmental disability that affects different areas of development including communication. Autistic children also show a variety of individual-specific behavioral and sensory issues. That may or may not be controllable. So parents of such children face different types of challenges according to their child’s developmental period.

Common challenges:

Communication challenges
There are children with nonverbal autism also. Such parents face stress and anxiety about their child’s future. Some parents are not aware of nonverbal communication strategies for such children.

Child care
Caregiving for an autistic child is a difficult task. Most of the situation childcare duties are full-time jobs. Every child has their own issues and severity. According to each child’s level, they should provide care.

Intervention and treatment
Child’s early intervention and proper treatment plans are very important for their development. Mostly a multidisciplinary approach was needed for every child during their critical developmental period. Intervention before the developmental age is very important. Each parent should be aware of that.

Financial issues
It is the major part faced by the parents. The financial burden can be due to many reasons including treatment expenses for multidisciplinary teams, the hiring of special caretakers for children.
Most of the parents may quit or take long leaves from their job to take care of the child. By advancing age the child’s expenses also rise. Most of the time they need private transport, private consultation, etc. also.

Self-care of parents
There is a lack of time for self-care for such parents. Their interests, hobbies, job, socialization, rest, exercise, etc. we’re not fulfilled due to lack of time.

Negative reactions from parts of society are also a big problem. They may be facing problems from society, people, and specific situations.

There are many services and facilities that an autistic child needs. Taking care of and treatment for autistic children is a big deal. Parents of such children going through a highly stressful and frustrating period and face so many challenges.