Practical Tips for Managing Meltdowns in Children with Autism

When compared to outbursts, meltdowns are frequently more intense, emotional, protracted, and challenging to manage. As previously stated, tantrums frequently occur in younger children, and as the child gets older, they occur less frequently. But autism meltdowns can occur at any age because they are not age-related. Minutes to hours can pass between meltdowns. Meltdowns are emotional explosions, not your child’s method of controlling you. Your kid is overburdened and unable to think clearly.

The Tantrum, Rage, and Meltdown Cyclethe stage of rumbling. The tantrum, anger, or meltdown’s opening phase is known as the rumbling stage.

  1. Bouncing with antiseptic.
  2. Proximity management.
  3. Assistance from routine.
  4. Base Camp.
  5. Fear Stage.
  6. Stage of Recovery

An Autistic Meltdown is Usually Caused by a Sense of Overload. Your Child will Have no Control over Their Reaction. A feeling of overload is frequently the root cause of an autistic outburst. Your kid won’t be able to choose how they respond. Although each kid is unique, some typical triggers include: Under or overstimulation of the senses, dealing with routine adjustments or an unexpected shift.

Distraction, diverting attention, encouraging the individual to use calming techniques like playing with toys or listening to music, removing any potential triggers, and maintaining your own composure are all strategies to take into consideration.

  • Keep your composure and talk in a considerate, even voice.
  • Avoid yelling or moving erratically, as these actions might make the situation worse.
  • Look for physical items that can ease a child’s anxiety.
  • These might include swing sets, weighted comforters, squeezy toys, calming movies or books, or even a pet.
  • If your kid has a meltdown, give them the time and space they need to collect themselves and develop self-control.
  • If you can, direct your kid to a secure location.
  • Don’t touch your child, give them room, and keep others at a distance.
  • Reduce the volume of the lights and maintain the peace, or give your kid noise-cancelling headphones.
  • Don’t talk too much to your child; only allow one individual to speak to them.
  • Rest assured and wait.

Read the blog to know more about Challenges faced by parents who have autistic child :