Top 5 strategies improving social interactions for children with autism

First and foremost, social interaction entails understanding how one should behave in various scenarios, such as while engaging with others. In order to do this, one must pay attention to social information, evaluate what is happening in certain circumstances, solve some problems, and then react. It’s crucial for parents of kids with autism or even Asperger’s disorder that their kids’ interactions are built on acceptance and understanding, regardless of who they interact with socially.

A few actions that can be taken are as follows:

1) Play by practising: Your autistic youngster can practise play techniques by acting out scenes with toys. You may, for instance, cuddle a teddy, feed it, and then put it to bed. You could even host a tea party for some teddies utilising a play set that resembles a farm, gas station, or airport. (“My turn,” “Your turn,” etc.)

Movement games like Simon Says, hide-and-seek, or tag may be enjoyed by younger kids. You might also simply kick, roll, or bounce a ball or toy between you. Children who are older could enjoy playing card games.

2) Praises: – When you notice your autistic child engaging effectively with others, give them lots of praise and support. For instance, smile and remark, “Wow!” when you witness your youngster share a toy to another child. That is very cordial. You waited for your turn while sharing your blocks with your buddy.

3) Role-playing: – is something you can do before playdates and other social gatherings. You and your autistic child could, for instance: Play the games that the children would play together. Practice chatting about things like what you’ve been watching on TV or what you did over the weekend. Do a role-play where your child recommends what to play with the other children.

4) Visual supports: – can assist your autistic child in learning new skills or in recalling previously acquired social skills. The visual supports for your child’s learning could be words, checklists, drawings, or prompt cards, depending on what they require.

5) Social narratives/stories: – that provide examples of proper responses and a detailed description of social settings by stressing pertinent clues. Social narratives are tailored to the needs of the individual and are often brief, with or without images or other visual aids. Social narratives can aid individuals with autism in improving their social skills, safety, and social understandings.

6) Video-modelling: – utilised to support the development of social, communication, play, and everyday life skills in autistic children. Additionally, it aids kids in altering their behaviour. For instance, it can be applied to alter aggressive or turn-taking behaviour, greeting others, and tooth brushing. After watching the video, the kid imitates the behaviour. The goal is for the child to gradually progress to using the skill or behaviour in different contexts without first watching the video.